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24h / 365days

We offer support for our customers

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)

Get in touch

Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

Have any questions?
+44 1234 567 890

Drop us a line

About us

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Our competencies

Our expertise moves your project forward!
Today and in the future.

Technical Construction Management and Project Engineering

Kunze & Partner specializes in technical construction management, project engineering, project and specialist construction management for HVAC + GA, testing & commissioning and QA management, and sees itself as a link between clients, planners and contractors. As experts in building services engineering, we support the entire HVAC process in the various SIA phases. A particular focus is on the realization phase, where we are directly involved in the construction process on site as technical construction management.

Specialist construction and project management HVAC

Are you a building owner, contractor or planner and need a specialist in the field of HVAC construction management? We offer the know-how and ensure that the execution of the commissioned work meets your requirements and today's standards. If you wish, we can take over the overall project management or individual specialist areas for you.

Tests and Commissioning

Technical coordination, assembly and installation are followed by the configuration of your systems. We carry out the tests and commissioning for the ever more technically demanding contexts, accompanied by the contractors. During these intensive test phases, we put your systems through their paces.

We also accompany the necessary integral tests with the person responsible for fire protection. After the successful tests, we coordinate the systems with the parameters required by the client, carry out the training sessions with the FM managers and, where necessary, prepare the final technical documentation.

Are you thinking, planning
or working on a project?

Then we are the right partner for you! We are specialists in HVAC building technology, always think outside the box and find first-class, project-specific solutions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Expert reports and appraisals

You are the owner of a property or the developer of a current project and would like to have the HVAC systems checked for their condition and assess whether the system complies with the current state of the art and the plausibility of the standards. We inspect them on site and draw up test and measurement reports.


We are an independent body that accompanies your projects and assesses the required quality with a critical eye and demands it where necessary.

HVAC Construktion work with high degree of flexibility

We offer you a high degree of flexibility for the execution of HVAC systems, even if construction work is due to start at short notice. With a network of various construction service companies, we can respond quickly and flexibly to your specific requirements and react quickly. With all our know-how, we can guarantee you adherence to deadlines while maintaining high quality standards.


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