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Hürlimann Thermal bath & Spa Zurich

© Aqua-Spa-Resorts

The cooling vaults of the Hürlimann brewery in Zurich were converted into the B2 boutique hotel and thermal spa. The aim was to preserve the architectural history of the brewery contained within the old walls and to use the presence of the strong, authentic structures for the new.

Following the gutting of the historic and listed Hürlimann brewery building, building physics studies were carried out with the support of Baumann  Akustik und Bauphysik AG.

The investigations evaluated the effects of the future climate in the walls and ceilings based on measurements of the heat flow in the sandstone and soil and took this into account in the planning.

The almost invisible ventilation installation was embedded in the existing vault.

Philipp Kunze was responsible for the ventilation planning, the development of several special air outlets, the specialist site management during execution and commissioning.

Services Ventilation planning and site management
Building owner PSP Properties AG, Zurich
Architect Althammer Hochuli Architekten
Object B2 Boutique Hotel und Hürlimann Bath & Spa Zurich
Execution time January 2008 to December 2010

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